Kindergarten Newsletter
March 2013
Hi Everyone
Thank you to those who were able to make it to the AGM. We have a new group who will be organising
fundraisers and social events for the Kindergarten. Congratulations to our new office bearers;
Chair person;
Melinda Williamson
Secretary: Jenni
Treasurer; Missy
Drabble/Tanya Rolhoff
Amanda Flowerday, Megan Dowling, Pauline Reedy
The first meeting is on Thursday
14th March at 7 pm at the kindergarten. These meetings are OPEN meetings and all parents are welcome to come, as membership to
the support group is open. The agenda
for this meeting includes organising our coffee stall for Top Schools and
discussing annual plans including fundraising, kindergarten projects and
possible directions.
Mapping out the flow and direction.
As most
are aware, we are hoping to build a "Mighty River" that will flow down the hill. We have decided that instead of paying
contractors thousands to complete the task, it would be great to get the
children and our community involved in its construction. This already has created discussions with the
children about water conservation, a topic that has been on the minds of many
while struggling with the long dry summer. It is our hope that we can set up a reticulated system so water can be conserved and monitored.
As part of this Maryanne has submitted our project to the
Think Water Competition. Think Water has
got a $15,000 grant and several $1000 grants to give away. What we would like you to do is to get as
many people as possible to go into face book then like “THINK WATER” which will
enable them to go into the “local hero” page.
In there you will see our entry ....Please give us your vote! (And we will give you free shares in the
Paengaroa Mighty River )
The website is:
To all those Social Networkers out there.......the Paengaroa
Kindergarten now has a Blog.
The site will be fully moderated and no comments can go
public unless they are authorised by the administrators of the site. Everyone should be able to access it as a
reader however only members of the blog will be able to write comments etc. To become a member you will receive an email
from the kindergarten inviting you to register.Please ask staff if you have not recieved your invite.
You will be asked for signed permission to use Any Photos or
video clips that may have images of your children. We feel this is a unique opportunity using
the resources that are now available to share events, happenings, projects, and
learning with others especially if you have grandparents or other family
members overseas.
The Kindergarten Association has strict guidelines within
the social networking policy. This is
available for you to read if you wish.
The Website:
Kai Time Reminders
All children need a named sipper bottle for water!
We encourage healthy eating at kindergarten. Sandwiches and fruit for lunch are great!
We encourage litter less lunches. It is much more economical to buy in bulk and
put into small containers rather than buying pre-packaged treats and snacks.
This supports commitment to sustainability and looking after our environment.
Children bringing Yoghurt need to bring their own spoons (we
are fast running out here)
Don’t forget if you love to bake ...we would love you to
come into kindergarten to do some baking with the children!
Top Schools
March 1: The kindergarten will be running the tea and
coffee stall. We have posted lists up on
the notice board asking for donations of baking, coffee, tea, milk, toffee
apple making, and volunteers to man the stall.
Your continued support makes the fundraiser a big
It’s great
to see so many parents staying at kindergarten for longer periods when dropping
off and picking up children. Please know how much it is appreciated not
only by the children but also by the teachers.
It demonstrates to us how comfortable you feel in making this place your
own......something we continuously aspire to.
Julie, Maryanne and Raewyn.
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